
I used to be someone who didn’t pay much attention to politics - I had my beliefs, and could do some research prior to an election and make a reasonably well informed choice of who to vote for. That all changed when Donald Trump was elected. That’s when I realized uninformed voters are a problem in this country. They are easy to manipulate since they don’t see the corruption and deception happening right in front of their eyes.

In the three years since, I’ve noticed increasing trends of hateful rhetoric and doubt toward science and facts in general. Those trends are the reason history is taught in classrooms across the country: to warn people so that they can notice and stop the trends of hate and doubt before they let history repeat itself. Unfortunately, I’ve also noticed a trend of complacency among US citizens. The population has not resisted this move as much as historians would hope for. Some, beyond being complacent, have welcomed and pushed for the tides of change bringing hate and doubt. This quote of uncertain origin, commonly attributed to Edmund Burke, has passed through my mind with increasing frequency:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Being someone who sees the clear parallels between the state of the USA today and past once-great democracies that fell, I felt I could no longer be a silent bystander. I decided the best thing I could do was to play to my strengths and merge my technical background with politics, in hopes of appealing to people like me who were never particularly interested in the way politics are usually discussed. This is why many of my posts will employ mathematical and physical analogies, and also why many of them will discuss issues about the future. Being technically-minded in the 21st century necessitates looking to the future, and that’s something Washington has been inadequate at doing for quite some time now.

I love the USA; it’s been my home my entire life, and is also home to most of the people I care about most. In writing this blog, I’m hoping I can spread the word about important issues that don’t get enough attention, and do my part to fight the downward trend the USA is currently on. I hope these posts are able to provide a novel and interesting view on an often-boring subject, to increase engagement in this country’s future, so it can remain a place worth living in.